Thursday, August 13, 2009

Dog Training Help

A good way to start when you first have your dog or puppy, is to not choose their name that they don't respond to. If you can call out several different names that you like that's OK. But choose the name that the dog responds to or shows any kind of signal that, that's what they like. Then you can start with the training.
First sit with your dog in front looking at you. Then make sure you have treats to reward them with when they respond so they know that when their owner says their name that means look towards them. Say their name and if you say it more than three times then grab their face towards you and look in to their gaze and reward them with a treat.
Also remember that when your dog does what their suppose to then always say good boy or girl. If your trying to make your dog sit and they don't do it then push them into the right direction by showing them by pushing them in to the sit position and then remember to reward them and say good boy or girl.
Doing this for 10 to 15 Min's. everyday until they have it is the most profitable way to get what your asking from your dog.